pages of the most used search engine Google for a one-off fee of £50.
If your site does not appear on the first two pages of Google within 14 days I will refund your £50 guaranteed.
Hosting Service
Hosting 10MB for 1 year. £35.00
Hosting 20MB for 1 year. £55.00
Additional Services
Additional hyper links. £20.00
Embedded feedback form. £25.00
Updates (125 words and 5 images max per update). £20.00
Search engine submission to 50 engines. £30.00
Domain Names
.co.uk/.net.uk (2 Years). £20.00
.com/net/org (2 years). £40.00
Domain name transfer fee. £20.00
Domain name redirection fee. £20.00
Special Effects
Flash Video
We can embed any video into a website for quick and sleak viewing.
Cost: £20.00 (1 minute of footage)
Flash Text
Our amazing text effects can be added to your site.
Cost: £20.00
Embedded Sounds
Great sounds can be added to your site at a great price.
Cost: £20.00 (1 minute of audio)
Starter Package
5 Page website with up to 10 images
Domain Name registration
1 POP-Email address
1 Free updates in the first year
(125 words and 5 images max per update)
NB. Hosting on our fast server for 1 year which is £35 extra.
Starter + Package
8 Page website with up to 10 images
Domain Name registration
3 POP-Email address
2 Free updates in the first year
(125 words and 5 images max per update)
NB. Hosting on our fast server for 1 year which is £35 extra.
We can offer a ready to go E-Commerce site that is:
- Full Customisable * Unlimited Items
- Easy to add items * Secure for Credit Card Transactions
All this for just £350
Click here to view our demonstration shop.
Design Services
1 page website design. £30.00
5 page website design. £130.00
8 page website design. £190.00
12 page website design. £260.00
We will design websites with any number of pages and will negotiate a price with you on application.
Hourly Work
We charge £24 per hr for any changes or alterations to websites. We can alter existing sites either at these rates or at the rates for the applicable size site.(Minimum charge 1hr)